Five portholes, four with sliding blocks of stone to close them
By Rob Carrigan, robcarrigan1@gmail.com
Certainly there were many smaller forts developed in the wilds of Colorado in addition to the major landmarks. Their use, very similar to the larger outposts, was – protection, a place to meet, trade and socialization.
“The first settlers had to be alert at all times for Indians,” wrote Lucile Lavelett in her 1975 book “Through the Years at Monument, Colorado.”
“A circular stone fort was built on the McShane ranch. It was twelve feet in diameter with stonewalls two feet thick and a roof of logs. Earth covered the logs to prevent the Indians from setting the roof on fire. There were five portholes of which four of them had sliding blocks of stone to close them. The fifth porthole was really a window. It gave the only light and faced the McShane house. From this porthole the families could see if any Indians were creeping up on the house. An underground passage led from the house to the fort.”
Other precautions were taken, says Lavelett.
“Everyday a man rode out to the high hill just north and West of the fort to be on the lookout for Indians. This hill is still called ‘Look-Out.’ When the look-out man saw Indians in the distance he would inform the people, then they would all hurry to the McShane fort.”
Several families would ‘fort up’ at McShane’s for extended time.
Isabella Trigg and her brother Jack Martin were among the early pioneers to live there, wrote Lavelett.
“She saved the life of one of Jacob Guire’s children from an Indian one day. Several families had been at the fort for several days for protection from the Indians. It had been quiet and peaceful for a day, so the boy was let out to play. Isabella Trigg looked out and saw an Indian riding over the hill. She dashed out grabbed the boy, pushed him into the fort, and slammed the porthole shut just as the Indian threw his tomahawk, with the tomahawk embedding in the heavy timber.”
In February of 1950, the Zebulon Pike and Kinnickinnik Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution dedicated a historical marker on Highway 105 between Monument and Palmer Lake and the fort lies 610 feet to the South.
“Old stone fort built at the pioneer home of David McShane, constructed as a defense against Arapahoe and Cheyenne raiders. It was used in 1865 to 1868 as a refuge by the following pioneer families: The Guires, Browns, Jacksons, Shielders, Chandlers, McShanes, Oldhams, Teachouts, Davidsons, Walkers, Demasters, Roberts, Watkins, Faulkners, Simpsons, Weltys.”
David McShane later became postmaster for Monument in 1869 and a prominent contractor in the area; He worked on such high-profile local projects as the creation of Monument Lake and Prospect Lake in Colorado Springs.
Photo: Old fort, protection against Indians (1866) Monument, Colo. Gazette Telegraph. Fred Baker, photographer, Taken between 1920 to 1930.
The circular rock fort in Monument, El Paso County, Colorado, has a wooden frame window. Built by A. David McShane in 1866, it is 12 feet in diameter, and had a underground passage to the nearby house. It was used to defend the family and neighbors during Arapahoe and Cheyenne raids.
Western History/Genealogy Dept., Denver Public Library
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Nice post. Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very informative; so happy to be given a privilege to post a comment here.
nice to see this. My mother, Mary Corbett, born 1912, was born in Dolores, but grew up more in Durango and Colorado Springs. Her grandmother was David McShane's daughter. So David McShane would be my great, great Grandfather. David had four daughters and immigrated from Scothland.
I know this is an old post, but I'm wondering if you know anything else about Mrs. Isabella Trigg... I have reason to believe she is an ancestor, but cannot find information about her Mr. Trigg. I do see that in census records she is widowed by about 1880. Any info is much appreciated. thanks!
The ruins of the fort are on private land. The driveway is posted No Trespassing.
I was raised on this place my dad had a dairy farm there, after my dad passed,a nephew bought the property and built a new house adjoining the old stone house. It is a beautiful place. Don Richardson, smokieii@hotmail.com
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