Thursday, October 17, 2024

Promoting mining and railroads at the same time

By Rob Carrigan,

  Shadrack K. Hooper promoted railroads in the heyday of rail promotion.

"Hooper was known as the 'father of railroad publicity' and his extensive advertising efforts on behalf of the Rio Grande made the railroad known throughout America and Europe," wrote my friend, Palmer Lake historian Dan Edwards in one of his papers. "Many prominent hotels, union stations, and ticket offices displayed pictures of scenery along the route of the Rio Grande that Hooper had provided. He arranged for the photographer, William H. Jackson and the writer, Ernest Ingersoll, to travel over the Rio Grande in special trains and record in pictures and words what they saw. Hooper popularized the Royal Gorge and the Black Canyon's Curicanti needle that served as emblems of the railroad. He also published several booklets on tourist spots and landmarks along the route of the Rio Grande."

To do so, Hooper helped produce booklets about the  railroad lines of the times. Those booklets... works of a lost art, as far as I am concerned.

"For the convenience and information of the traveling public this booklet is issued," writes Hooper in the introduction of his most circulated one. "The attempt is made in as few as words as possible to inform those who desire information, how they may easiest, with least expense and inconvenience, visit any or all of the many attractions in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. A perusal of these pages will enable tourists to determine what points they visit, inform them of the attractions they will see while en route, and afford them much useful information."

"Major Hooper did not neglect Palmer Lake. He worked with Finley Thompson and to the officials of the Glen Park companies to promote Palmer Lake as a tourist destination and offer special railroad fares for Chautauqua travelers to Glen Park. Hooper bought a lot in Glen Park in 1887, and later spent time during the summers at 'Casa Pobre,' his cottage in Pine Crest. He vacationed at Palmer Lake as late as 1917. He died at Denver in March 1923," according to Dan Edwards' research.

Hooper, as a promoter, was fond of the Cripple Creek Gold Camp.

"There is nothing in fiction more wonderful than the history of the great gold camp, famous the world over as Cripple Creek," says a Hooper produced piece about the Florence and Cripple Creek Railroad that connected with Denver and Rio Grande trains in Florence.

"Four years ago it was a cattle ranch , uninhabited by a single family. There are perhaps thirty thousand people in the district today, and one hundred shipping gold mines with constant additions being made to the number. Where in the world can be found a parallel to this true statement of this wonderful camp? This great gold field is contributing one million dollars per month to the wealth of the world with promise that the amount will be steadily increased as the years go on," says the Hooper Flyer.

"The history of Cripple Creek shows, that considering the number of men engaged in mining, more poor men have become rich than any mining camp in Colorado,  perhaps more than any mining district ever discovered. This may be accounted by the fact the values here have been found near the surface. It is pre-eminently a poor man's camp. The pick and shovel have been sufficient to disclose enough to enable the prospector to secure the necessary capital for proper development. The case of Mr. W.S. Stratton stands as a striking illustration. He is today the owner of the most valuable mining property in Colorado. The famous Independence is one of his mines , and in it millions of gold are in sight. Four years ago he was practically penniless," said Hooper.

"Many doubts were expressed during the first few months after discovery of gold at Cripple Creek as to the permanency of the camp. The rich discoveries near the surface suggested the idea that veins would not prove to be continuous, but those doubts have now been dispelled. Some of the workings have reached the depth of seven hundred and fifty feet, and the veins at that depth have been found to be stronger and richer than any point above. The district is yet a most promising and attractive for the miner who has his fortune to make," according to the railroad brochure.

 But S.K. Hooper was not only one to promote railroads and promising mining districts at the time, or shortly afterward.

"Natural resources historically have been the catalyst bonding the National Forests and pioneering railroad ventures. The Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek District Railway, commonly called the "Short Line,"was no exception. The Short Line steamed its way across Pike National Forest. It was one of three lines serving the Cripple Creek Mining District when it was the greatest gold production area in the world. The Short Line was completed in 1901, ten years after gold was first found in this area. Pike National Forest dates from 1892, an area set aside from the public domain for the benefit of future generations. Originally the Pikes Peak, Plum Creek and South Platte Timberland Reserves, Pike National Forest was created from these acreages in 1905," notes "THE SHORT LINE" GOLD CAMP ROAD AUTO TOUR." brochure put together by the National Forestry System Cooperative Forestry Research and now still available to look at:

"The president and primary promoter of the Short Line was Irving Howbert. As president of the First National Bank of Colorado Springs, he talked a group of mine owners into constructing their own railroad. Since 90% of the mines were owned by Colorado Springs interests, Colorado Springs resented railroads taking ore to other cities for processing and charging exorbitant freight rates. Great wealth backed the railroad; the Short Line had the best of everything. It was often called the "gold-plated railroad." President Theodore Roosevelt, one of the attracted visitors, is reported to have said that this is the trip that "bankrupts the English Language.".

With the dwindling of rich gold veins in Cripple Creek and the added expense of mining, the Short Line was forced into bankruptcy. The "last train" ran in May 1920; the clash of steel on steel was gone.

A Colorado Springs businessman, W. D. Corley, bought the railroad for $370,000. He removed the tracks and ties and made it a toll road. On a good day, Corley collected $400 in tolls.

Human use of the present Pike National Forest, except for Indians and a few trappers and mountain men, began in 1859 with the first discovery of placer gold near Como. The finding of gold and silver veins in the mountains west of South Park followed, and the comparative permanency of the lode mines made for a more settled population with its increasing demand for timber and meat.

Pike National Forest is now considered a "protection forest"; that is, because it is the source of water for Denver, Colorado Springs, and other communities, it is more valuable for protection of the water supply than for the production of commercial timber and forage.

In 1936, the way to the "World's Greatest Gold Camp" became a public road maintained by County and Forest Service funds. The present Gold Camp Road carries one's thoughts back to that first cry of " G o l d ! " Let's relive the days of this big brawny complex creation of man; the montage of color — the beauty of nature along the right-of-way.

Interestingly, the brochure noted obscure points along the "Short Line" tracking. Places like:

• Duffields siding
 Named for two brothers who operated a sawmill and charcoal ovens near here. Charcoal was used for smelting ore. Duffields was a Sunday excursion destination. A hiking trail leads to the towering rock formation called St. Peter's Dome. Notice three levels of track as the railroad climbed to Duffields.

One of the few mishaps on this "gold-plated railroad" occurred here. A locomotive smashed into a boulder that had fallen onto the tracks, demolishing the cab on the fireman's side. The fireman was scalded by billowing steam from broken pipes.

• Tunnel 6 
In 1915, hot cinders from a freight engine set the wooden lining of Tunnel 6 afire. The crew of the next train found the tunnel ablaze, backed down to Fairview and telegraphed the news to Colorado Springs. Two engines equipped with fire hoses were dispatched to the fire. The burned timbers caused a cave-in. During two weeks of repair, trains used the Colorado Midland and Midland Terminal tracks north of Pikes Peak.

 • St. Peter's Dome
The view of the railroad grade from St. Peter's Dome is spectacular!
The long, continuous grade from Colorado Springs ends at Summit. This 3.8% maximum grade was one of the steepest standard gauge railroads in the world. Helper engines were uncoupled here and backed down to the nearby wye to turn around. Passengers "et" at the Summit lunchroom during short stops. Only the wide, cinder strewn area marks the location of these buildings today.

The famous December 1913 blizzard gave the railroads a taste of frozen hell. Train Number 4, heading for Colorado Springs, fought its way through howling winds, flying snow and drifts as far as Summit. An enormous drift blocked the rails ahead; the track behind was drifting over. Res- cue trains sent to help stranded Number 4 were snowed in and also had to await rescue.

It took two days for the Colorado Midland rotary snow plow and three coupled locomotives to reach Summit. After being shoveled out, Number 4 backed to Cameron and headed for Colorado Springs by way of the Mid- land Terminal and Colorado Midland tracks arriving three days late. 

 S.K. Hooper

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monument Rock, Jack Dempsey, Dean Coombs, more ...

Thing of the past ...
In the tiny, cluttered offices of the weekly Saguache Crescent newspaper, publisher Dean Coombs still sets type the VERY old-fashioned way, on a vintage linotype machine, that spits out lead type, row by row
Highsmith, Carol M., 1946-, photographer
Created / Published: 2016-07-20.
- United States--Colorado--Saguache
- America
- Manhattan Bar
- Neon signs
- Saguache Crescent
- Weekly newspapers
- Linotype machines
- Dean Coombs
Genre: Digital photographs--Color--2010-2020
- Title, date and keywords based on information provided by the photographer.
- Some say the Crescent is last remaining U.S. newspaper to use this "hot type" technology. When it cools, the type is racked into these forms, appearing backward and upside down, then coated with ink for the printing process.
- Gift; Carol M. Highsmith Photography, Inc.; 2017; (DLC/PP-2002:038-13).
- Forms part of: Gates Frontiers Fund Colorado Collection within the Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
- Credit line: Gates Frontiers Fund Colorado Collection within the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
Medium: 1 photograph : digital, tiff file, color.
Collection: Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: highsm 48874 //

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017885504

Thing of the past ...

Don Ellis showed me this fabulously interesting photo he says is of his uncle at the top of Monument Rock when went there in the 1920s to look for eagles. Note the changes.

Thing of the past ...
Searching for eagle eggs at Monument Rock in 1885.

Thing of the past ...
Temporary housing in Cripple Creek shortly after the 1896 fire.

Thing of the past ...

The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, a town on the eastern edge of Rocky Mountain National Park in north-central Colorado
Highsmith, Carol M., 1946-, photographer
Created / Published:2015-07-25.
- United States--Colorado--Estes Park
- America
- Stanley Hotels
- Historic hotels
- Freelan Oscar Stanley
- Overlook Hotel
- The Shining
Genre: Digital photographs--Color--2010-2020
- Title, date and keywords based on information provided by the photographer.
- The 140-room Colonial Revival hotel was built by Freelan Oscar Stanley (co-founder of the company that built the early "Stanley Steamer" automobiles) and opened on July 4, 1909, catering to the American upper class at the turn of the 20th Century. The hotel hosted the horror novelist Stephen King, serving as inspiration for the Overlook Hotel in his 1977 bestseller "The Shining."
- Credit line: Gates Frontiers Fund Colorado Collection within the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
- Gift; Gates Frontiers Fund; 2015; (DLC/PP-2015:068).
- Forms part of: Gates Frontiers Fund Colorado Collection within the Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
Medium:1 photograph : digital, tiff file, color.
Source Collection: Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: highsm 33392 //
Library of Congress Control Number:2015633407 

Thing of the past ...

Home of Stephen King, an internationally acclaimed author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy, in Bangor, Maine. Note the deliberately spooky details of his front gate. The house is perhaps Bangor's No. 1 destination for tourists wishing to take "selfie" photos
Highsmith, Carol M., 1946-, photographer
Created / Published:2017-10-05.
- United States--Maine--Bangor
- America
- Stephen King
- Stephen King house
- Houses
Genre:Digital photographs--Color--2010-2020
- Title, date and keywords based on information provided by the photographer.
- Purchase; Carol M. Highsmith Photography, Inc.; 2017; (DLC/PP-2016:103-11).
- Forms part of: Carol M. Highsmith's America Project in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
- Credit line: Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America Project in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
Medium: 1 photograph : digital, tiff file, color.
Source Collection: Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: highsm 46260 //
Library of Congress Control Number:2017883008 

Thing of the past ...

Halloween party at Shafter migrant camp, California
Lange, Dorothea, photographer
Created / Published: 1938 Oct.
- United States--California--Kern County--Shafter
- Camp Shafter--California
Genre: Safety film negatives
- Title and other information from caption card.
- Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944.
- More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at
- Temp. note: usf34batch2
- Film copy on SIS roll 19, frame 2241.
Medium: 1 negative : safety ; 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches or smaller.
Source Collection: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: fsa 8b15418 //
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017770943 

Thing of the past ...

[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Creede, Colorado. Lead and silver mining in a former "ghost town"]
Feininger, Andreas, 1906-1999, photographer
Created / Published:1942 Dec.
Headings: United States--Colorado--Mineral County--Creede
Genre: Nitrate negatives
- Actual size of negative is E (approximately 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches).
- Additional number on contact print that accompanied negative.
- Title and other information from a possibly related negative. Image came to Library of Congress untitled. (There was no caption for this image in the FSA/OWI shelflist.)
- Appears to be related to negative LC-USW3-054680-E
- Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944.
- More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at
- Temp. note: owibatch6
- Film copy on SIS roll 17, frame 845.
Medium: 1 negative : nitrate ; 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches or smaller.
Source Collection:
Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information photograph collection (Library of Congress)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: fsa 8d36605 //
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017867304 

Thing of the past ...

Potato field, Colorado
Bain News Service, publisher
Created / Published: [between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920]
Genre: Glass negatives
- Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.
- Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).
- General information about the George Grantham Bain Collection is available at
Medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
Source Collection: Bain News Service photograph collection
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: ggbain 24477 //
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014704661 

Thing of the past ...

Capt. A.H. Rostron & Mrs. J.J. Brown
Mrs. J.J. Brown presenting trophy cup award to Capt. Arthur Henry Roston, for his service in the rescue of the Titanic.
Created / Published:1912 May 29.
- Rostron, Arthur Henry,--1869
Group portraits--1910-1920.
Photographic prints--1910-1920.
Portrait photographs--1910-1920.
- Bain News Service photograph.
- George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).
Medium: 1 photographic print.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: cph 3c21013 //
Library of Congress Control Number: 98509447 

Thing of the past ...

Photograph shows boxer Jack Dempsey (1895-1983), magician Harry Houdini (1874-1926) and boxer Benny Leonard (1896-1947). (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2024)
Bain News Service, publisher
Created / Published: [no date recorded on caption card]
Genre: Glass negatives
- Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on negative.
- Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).
- General information about the George Grantham Bain Collection is available at
Medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
Source Collection: Bain News Service photograph collection
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA dcu
Digital Id: ggbain 50392 Library of Congress Control Number: 2014719541

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Flying Squadron, Titanic Survivors, Punching Houdini, and more


Thing of the past ...

Arrival of the "Flying Squadron" at Colorado Springs, Colo[rado]. "Suffrage Special"
The Photo Craft Shop, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Photographer)
Created / Published: 1916 Apr. 16
- Suffragists--United States--1910-1920
- Women--Suffrage--Colorado
- National Woman's Party--Automobile tours
- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company
- Railroad stations
- Photographs
- United States -- Colorado -- Colorado Springs
Genre: Photographs
- Title transcribed from item.
- Summary: Photograph of suffragists gathered outside the depot of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with a banner, "We Demand an Amendment to the United States Constitution."
Medium: 1 photograph: print; 7.75 x 9.5 in.
Location: National Woman's Party Records, Group I, Container I:160, Folder: Suffrage Special, 1916
Source Collection: Records of the National Woman's Party
Repository: Manuscript Division

Thing of the past ...

The Thirsty Cowpuncher
Cowboy on horse, in doorway of saloon?.
Created / Published: c1907 Nov. 1.
- H101890 U.S. Copyright Office
- Stereo copyrighted by Ed. Tangen, Boulder, Colorado.
- No. 214.
- This record contains unverified, old data from caption card.
- Caption card tracings: Saloons; Cowboys Misc.; Photog. Index; Shelf.
Medium:1 photographic print on stereo card : stereograph.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: cph 3b04641
Library of Congress Control Number:2004682069

Thing of the past ...

Miner's family on top of truck watching Labor Day contests, Silverton, Colorado
Lee, Russell, 1903-1986, photographer
Created / Published: 1940 Sept.
Headings: - United States--Colorado--Silverton
Genre: Safety film negatives
- Title and other information from caption card.
- Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944.
- More information about the FSA/OWI Collection is available at
Medium: 1 negative : safety ; 35 mm.
Source Collection: Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC 20540 USA
Digital Id: fsa 8a29571 //
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017743278 

Thing of the past ...

[Morrison, Colorado]
Chamberlain, W. G. (William Gunnison), photographer
Created / Published:
[Denver, Colorado : photographed and published by W.G. Chamberlain, c1878]
- Denver, South Park, and Pacific Railroad Company--Facilities--Colorado--Morrison--1870-1880
- Morrison (Colo.)--1870-1880
Landscape photographs--1870-1880
Photographic prints--1870-1880
Medium: 1 photographic print on stereo card : stereograph.
Digital Id: cph 3c10828
Library of Congress Control Number: 94505139

Thing of the past ...

Thing of the past ...
Ophir school, Emma Anderson Kullhem, teacher
Date: 1914-1915?
Donor: Mrs. Wayne Rice.
Emma Anderson Kullhem poses at the Ophir School, in Ophir, San Miguel County, Colorado. The schoolhouse has gable imbrication, a belltower, and sign: "Ophir School erected 1896."
Notes: Formerly. Photonegative is masked. Title hand-written on back of photoprint. 

Thing of the past ...

Judge Roy Bean Saloon & Justice Court, Langtry, Val Verde County, TX. Coloradan Bat Masterson, and his friend Wyatt Earp refereed boxing matches here in Langtry.
Historic American Buildings Survey, creator
Created / Published: Documentation compiled after 1933
- houses
- saloons
- courtrooms
- galleries & museums
- Texas -- Val Verde County -- Langtry
- Survey number: HABS TX-3101
- Building/structure dates: 1882 Initial Construction
Medium:Photo(s): 2, Data Page(s): 2
Source Collection: Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA


Thing of the past ...

740 Martinez Street (House), Fort Collins, Larimer County, CO
Historic American Buildings Survey, creator
Great Western sugar Company
Fraser, Clayton B, photographer
Royval, Diana, historian
Created / Published: Documentation compiled after 1933
- houses
- adobe buildings
- labor housing
- Colorado -- Larimer County -- Fort Collins
- Significance: This building is one of several adobe structures built in the early 1900s as part of the Great Western Sugar Co.'s labor recruitment drive. It is part of the Alta Vista Subdivision.
- Survey number: HABS CO-67
Medium: Photo(s): 6
Data Page(s): 3
Photo Caption Page(s): 1
Source Collection:
Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Thing of the past ...
Mrs. Edwards & Frl. Kussin [boxing]
Photo shows Fraulein Kussin and Mrs. Edwards who had a boxing match on March 7, 1912. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009)
Bain News Service, publisher
Created / Published:[1912]
Genre:Glass negatives
- Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).
- Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative.
- General information about the George Grantham Bain Collection is available at
- Additional information about this photograph might be available through the Flickr Commons project at External
Medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
Source Collection: Bain News Service photograph collection
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: ggbain 10178 //
Library of Congress Control Number:2014690162
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ggbain-10178 (digital file from original neg.)

 Thing of the past ...
Photograph shows boxer Jack Dempsey (1895-1983), magician Harry Houdini (1874-1926) and boxer Benny Leonard (1896-1947). (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2024)
Bain News Service, publisher
Created / Published: [no date recorded on caption card]
Genre: Glass negatives
- Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on negative.
- Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).
- General information about the George Grantham Bain Collection is available at
Medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.
Source Collection: Bain News Service photograph collection
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA dcu
Digital Id: ggbain 50392 Library of Congress Control Number: 2014719541

Thing of the past ...

Capt. A.H. Rostron & Mrs. J.J. Brown
Mrs. J.J. Brown presenting trophy cup award to Capt. Arthur Henry Roston, for his service in the rescue of the Titanic.
Created / Published:1912 May 29.
- Rostron, Arthur Henry,--1869
Group portraits--1910-1920.
Photographic prints--1910-1920.
Portrait photographs--1910-1920.
- Bain News Service photograph.
- George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).
Medium: 1 photographic print.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id: cph 3c21013 //
Library of Congress Control Number: 98509447 

Thing of the past ...

Loads of gold coming down trail from tomboy mine to Telluride, Colo.
Stereograph shows gold coming down trail, on horse-drawn wagons, to Telluride, Colorado.
Underwood & Underwood.
Created / Published: New York : Underwood & Underwood, publishers, c1910 May 19.
- Gold mining--Colorado--Telluride--1910
- Horse teams--Colorado--Telluride--1910
Genre:Stereographs--1910, Photographic prints--1910
- J141425 U.S. Copyright Office.
- No. (44)-10648; U-119002.
Medium:1 photographic print on stereo card : stereograph.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Digital Id:
stereo 1s11437 //
cph 3c10843 //
Library of Congress Control Number: 94505272 

Friday, October 4, 2024

A bit cooler, no monkeys, few peacocks, ivory soap, and forget the sandals

Thing of the past ...

Denver Public Library Special Collections.
Title: Ophir, station
Creator Bachman, Al
Date: 1964
Donor: Al Bachman; gift; 1998.
Abandoned Rio Grande Southern railroad station in Ophir (San Miguel County), Colorado. The wooden building has a tin roof and boarded-up bay window. The abandoned Oilton Club Saloon is nearby. The building has a gabled roof and a dormer with a salt box gable and a covered porch.
Format of Original Material: 1 slide : Kodachrome. Title penciled on slide mount.   

Where is Ophir?

By Rob Carrigan,

If you type in "Ophir" into an Artificial Inteligence generator, you will you will come up with an AI overview that may say some of the following:

"Biblical region: Ophir is a wealthy region or port in the Bible that was known for its gold. The word Ophir comes from the Hebrew word Ōphīr. The location of Ophir is uncertain, but the Genesis 10 list of places suggests it was in Arabia. In the time of Solomon, Ophir was thought to be overseas. The Bible describes Ophir as a source of gold, ivory, monkeys, peacocks, and almug (sandalwood) wood."

"Town in Colorado: Ophir, Colorado has a Continental Subarctic Climate, which means it has long, cold winters with short days, low humidity, and little precipitation. " 

"Ophir Optronics Solutions: A company that offers laser measurement, laser beam analysis, IR imaging lenses, and more."

 The laser beam analysis might useful today in trying to get over the hill on skis to Telluride. The monkeys and peacocks might be interesting at a party, but the sandalwood would be sort of useless except for the few days of summer which you might even wear sandals in the Colorado town of Ophir.

Motor #4 on the RGS Railroad south of Lizard Head Pass, circa 1950. The Railroad operated a series of these hybrid locomotives from 1931 to 1952 (Ridgway Railroad Museum Collection).

A Glimpse Into History:

In 1931, the Rio Grande Southern Railroad was in bankruptcy. To cut costs they converted old automobiles into rail cars, creating a hybrid vehicle called a “motor” (later nicknamed the “Galloping Goose”). These motors required just one man to operate them, instead of the five people needed to run the steam locomotives. The railroad ran both the motors and the larger steam trains until the railroad was abandoned in 1952.

In the 1950s, the railroad lost the mail contract, so the motors were rebuilt to carry additional passengers. In the photograph above, Motor #4 is shown on a bridge over the San Miguel River near what is now the Ilium Trailhead, circa 1950.

The railroad did not officially adopt the name “Galloping Goose” until the motors’ last few years of Operation. In 1951, the figure of a running goose was added to the railcar body.

Motor #1, shown here at Rico in the summer of 1931, could carry one or two passenger in the front and mail in the back. The two white flags indicate that this train was an extra, and not the scheduled train for the day (Ridgway Railroad Museum Collection).

How To Get There: 
Leaving Telluride south on Hwy 145 approximately 1/2 mile south of the Ophir Loop (FSR 630), look for a turn out on the east side of the road. You can park here and cross Hwy 145 to access the Galloping Goose Trail which turns into FSR 623 as it approaches Illium, Vance Junction and the Coal Chutes. (or) Leave Telluride on  Hwy 145 west and turn south on FSR 625 to visit Illium, Vance Junction and the Coal Chutes  To visit the Trestle - continue on Hy 145 south past Matterhorn Campground and turn on Trout Lake Road  (County Rd 63A) and  proceed about a 1.5 miles where the road crosses the Lake Fork of the San Miguel River.  Check out the Galloping Goose Mountain Biking Trail! (Brochure/Map). Looking for a place to stay? Check out the Matterhorn Cabin,  one of the Forest Service newest editions to the cabin rental program, located close by. This Forest Service Cabin sleeps 12.


Thing of the past ...

Ophir school, Emma Anderson Kullhem, teacher
Date: 1914-1915?
Donor: Mrs. Wayne Rice.
Emma Anderson Kullhem poses at the Ophir School, in Ophir, San Miguel County, Colorado. The schoolhouse has gable imbrication, a belltower, and sign: "Ophir School erected 1896."

Ophir, Colorado
Street in the town of Ophir (San Miguel County), Colorado. Businesses on the road include a "Billiard Hall," and "Saloon."
Date: 1883, August 21
Notes: Handwritten on envelope: "C-Ophir."; Inked on back of mat board: "Ophir Col., Aug 21-83."; Title inked on back of mat board.
Is Part Of:History Colorado, original

View of Ophir general store and RGS Bridge 45-B. A small piece of Silver Bell Mill is above.
RGS Ophir, CO Taken by Reid, Homer - ca. 1945

Thing of the past ...
Ophir Colo.
Credit: Denver Public Library Special Collections
Creator: Byers, Joseph E.
Date: [1915-1920]
Matt Ruttilla holds a horse leading a burro pack train, at Third Street (3rd) and Granite Avenue, Ophir, San Miguel County, Colorado. Buildings include the Tidal Wave Mine office and George Pickett's house. Sign reads: "Silver Mountain Hotel;" the Ophir Needles are in the background.