News of devastating Victor fire travels fast
By Rob Carrigan,
As the town of Victor, Colo., approached the summer's and century's end in the fall of 1899, fire ripped through the prosperous mining village sparing almost no one (millionaires and bums alike) from some form of property damage. Not only did the fire spread quickly and burn out of control that afternoon, but news of the devastation traveled nearly as fast — from coast to coast.
The lead in the New York Times the next day was datelined Aug. 21, and originated out of Cripple Creek.
"Fire has entirely destroyed the business
portion of the city of Victor, causing a loss estimated at $2,000,000.
Beginning shortly after noon, the fire raged until night, consuming
everything its own way. It had its origin, it is thought, in the
Merchants' Cafe, adjoining the Bank of Victor. A strong wind from the
south fanned the flames, and in a few minutes all the surrounding houses
were afire."
Headines in the San Francisco Call screamed:
"A Conflagration at Victor Causes a Loss Estimated at $2,000,000"
and "SCENE OF TERROR," as well as,
"All the Principal Business Houses Are Consumed and Many
Destroyed by Dynamite"
In a 'Special Dispatch to The Call' was similar, and probably originated from the same source.
"Fire has utterly destroyed the business portion of the
city of Victor, causing a loss estimated at $2,000,000. Beginning
shortly after noon the fire raged until evening, consuming everything in
its way.
"It had its origin, it is thought, in the Merchants' Cafe,
adjoining the Bank of Victor, on the corner of Third street and Victor
avenue. A strong wind from the south fanned the flames and in a few
minutes all the surrounding houses were afire. Help was summoned from
Cripple Creek, but the town had been built in the early days of the camp
and was of pine timber for the most part, and burned like paper.
The Call continued:
"Efforts were made to stop the progress of the flames by blowing up
buildings in their path by means of dynamite, and all afternoon the
hills have roared with the explosions, but the effort was in vain. The
fire claimed the Bank of Victor, the post office on the corner opposite,
crossed Third street and followed the row of blocks between Third and
Fourth streets to the north, taking the Victor Banking Company, the
Western Union Telegraph Company's office and the office of the
Colorado Telephone Company, the Hotel Victor, on the opposite side of
Fourth street, and the three great shaft houses of the Gold Coin Mining
Company and its ore bins, among the largest in the Cripple Creek
"From there the flames were swept northward by the half
hurricane which was blowing, and never stopped until they had taken the
Florence and Cripple Creek depot and the fine new depot of the Midland
Terminal road, at the head of Fourth street. All the buildings between
these are a total loss, with practically all their contents, for the
flames were so rapid in their progress that nothing could be saved. The
scenes of the great Cripple Creek conflagration were duplicated.
Hurrying before the roaring flames went men, women and children,
carrying what they could snatch from the flames, racing for their lives."
The Call account noted the use of explosives to fight the fire.
"The crash of buildings torn asunder by dynamite and the crackle of the
flames as they consumed the dry buildings hastened their flight, and the
pall of smoke added a terror to the spectacle."
A special train was
placed at the command of this city by the Florence and Cripple Creek
Railroad, and three companies of firemen, with apparatus, were rushed to
the scene.
"They worked all afternoon in a vain endeavor to stay the
march of the flames. The residence portion of the city has suffered
comparatively little, but the business portion is paralyzed and
suffering is bound to follow. The burned area may be roughly designated
as the space between the head of Fourth street and Victor avenue,
extending from the Gold Coin mine buildings on the west to a point near
Second street, and down Third street almost to Diamond avenue. The fire
was gotten under control this evening. Conservative estimates place the
loss at $2,500,000," said the Call's report.
"The first house was built in Victor in October,
1893. In July of the following year the city was incorporated, and five
years later it contained 10.000 people. That is about the population
now. "
The heaviest losses were, according to special dispatch of the San Francisco Call:
• Gold Coin mine, consisting of shaft, ore
houses and machinery, $100,000
• Woods Investment Company, $100,000
• J. B. Cunnigham, $75,000
• Morrell Hardware Company, $20,000
• Florence
and Cripple Creek Railway, $25,000
• Tomklns Hardware Company. $25,000
• A. B. Bumstead, $20,000
• Mayor Robert Donnelly, $25,000
• Ketter &
Co., $20,000
• I. Ampeter Clothing Company, $15,000
• George E. Simonton,
drugs, $12,000
• George Bockfinger. $7,000
• J. J. Trenchard, $10,000
• William Sexton, $10,000
• Victor Banking Company. $5000: Bank of Victor,
• Daily Record. $7000
• Evening Times, $5000
• Colorado Trading and
Transfer Company, $20,000
• Victor Supply Company, $25,000
• Gardner
Mercantile Company. $20,000
• Midland Terminal Railway $75,000
• Jim
Durey, $10,000
• Arthur Reynolds. $30,000
• Stebbins & Co.,
• Shilling Dry Goods Company, $16,000
Andrew James Harlan photographed the fires, as did others:
"The fire is reported to have destroyed 14 blocks in four hours; a
single portion of brick wall & smoke from smoldering remains are in
background. Shows mines and mine dumps, distant background hillsides,
and people examining remains of fire debris at center right."
Other historic information differ on some of the details and blames the fire on other ignition points in different locations.
"But Victor’s grand heydays would be dampened on August 21, 1899, when
a fire began in a brothel in Victor’s notorious Paradise Alley. Before
the blazing inferno was under control, fourteen blocks had been
destroyed, including some 800 buildings, causing $1.5 million in
damages, and leaving 1,500 people homeless," according to Legends of America.
"As the largest property owner, the Woods Investment Company suffered
the heaviest losses, including the total destruction of their bank and
the original Victor Hotel. However, Victor’s citizens immediately began
to rebuild and within three days the banks and saloons were back in
business," Legends says.
"Though the town soon prospered once again, it would be short-lived.
In 1900, the main ore vein in the Gold Coin Mine began to play out and
the Woods’ profits began to decline. To add to their tremendous debt,
heavy financial losses in 1899, and the reduced profits of the mine, the
Woods’ Economic Mill burned. For the Woods Investment Company, the
future was looking extremely grim," says reports
"Though they were said to have been worth some $45 million, the
company was heavily leveraged and rumors of their impending collapse
caused a run on the First National Bank of Victor. Trying to recoup, the
Woods Investment Company consolidated its miscellaneous mining
properties into the United Gold Mines Company in 1902," said Legends of America.
Bird's eye view of Victor, Colorado, during
devastating fire on August 21, 1899, taken from vantage point on
hillside where many people fled with household goods and personal
belongings for safety. Shows horse-drawn wagons and carriages filled
with furniture, personal articles and belongings retreating from town;
wooden frame houses on fire; and smoke billowing from commercial
Andrew James Harlan's photo of a group of men, women and children posed in front of ashes and
debris of R. H. Atchison's residence, Victor, Colorado, one day after
devastating fire of August 21, 1899.
Burning of the newly-built Midland depot on Aug.21, 1899 (closeup print of top photo) by Edgar A. Yelton.