Sunday, January 11, 2015

Write back where I came from

Write back where I came from
The light is on in the hall
I left the woods and tree stumps
Left the streets and crawl

Folks, they think they know me
They know nothing at all
I was different then and now 
Put all on paper, tack it to the wall

"Sensitive"  they called it.
So angry, I'd start a brawl
Snatches of conversation
Stories of the maul.

Stories were my salvation
For tell-tale, I had the call
Sensed things were to happen
Put it all on paper, tack it to the wall

Write back where I came from
Paint a pictures big and small
Memories true and false
Lady was beauty, fact, she was a doll

"Sensitive" they called it.
The light is on in  the hall
Capture all of their spirits
Put it all on paper, tack it to wall

___ Rob Carrigan

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